A Fight for Blackness

The grotesque attack on Blackness couldn’t be clearer. The anti-Black agenda will not rest until it devours every ounce of consciousness. These coordinated attacks via our legislative system are just the tip of the iceberg. Here we are yet again at another pivotal moment in history as Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis seeks to water down and erase our history. I’d like to enlighten Mr. DeSantis; there is no American history without Black history. Our struggle, impact, and contributions are deeply American despite their unwillingness to acknowledge the truth.

Politicians continue to prove their handlers and political aspirations are of the utmost importance. I believe DeSantis has his sights set on the White House. Trump set the stage perfectly for these reprobate clones, and as a result, we are likely to see more bills and policies openly aimed at the destruction of Black families.

As I write this essay, I struggle to understand why they’re afraid of diversity. Why do they continue to play these harmful games with our lives? How will long will they incubate hatred? I can only imagine how tiring that can be. Until America addresses its sin against Black people, there will never be peace. While it’s disheartening to watch what’s happening in Florida, I’m encouraged by our response. All over the nation, people have spoken out against these sinister policies.

The education of young Black people must begin in our homes. We are the custodians of our history. We must support Black educators who find themselves in the trenches as the battle for our children rages on. We must support Black authors and thought leaders who uplift and encourage the love of our Blackness. We are at war, make no mistake about it.

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