"An Awakening"
One of the most widely accepted and unfortunate tragedies of today, is the belief that you cannot walk away from jobs, relationships and situations that no longer serve you well. Living in a place of unhappiness is often widely accepted as being just the way it is. A life that was once meant to be enjoyed has now been seemingly downgraded to something that is merely endured. This has become the theme for many among us. It's a comfortable existence for some, sadly enough. Waking up every day to suffer through a job you hate, that pays you far less than you desire is exhausting. Dealing with friends, lovers, and family members who perpetually disrespect you, can no longer be tolerated as the norm. You didn’t come here to be shackled to situations that suck the joy, passion, and life out of you. You deserve far better.
"The Miracle of life"
Just the sheer fact you are here right now is a miracle in and of itself. Every single one of us is a walking miracle. It's a beautiful fact of life, that often get's overshadowed by the day to day barrage of negative information. Each and every day we scurry through our day to day lives attempting take care of our responsibilities. In the midst of our daily routines, we sometimes forget to stop and live in the moment. When was the last time you took a big deep breath? Let's take a deep breath together right now. It felt good, didn't it? What you felt was the gift of life flowing through you. Every day we must be mindful of this gift. There are diamonds within the deep imperfect soil of our lives. Hidden treasures exist within us that are waiting to be discovered. When you understand this wonderful fact, you will begin to see things differently. That my friend is when the awakening begins.
"Re-claim Your Value"
We live in a noisy world. It's a place full of opinions and thing's vying for your attention. There are many voices out there via social media, television and the internet that are attempting to define your value. Only you can truly define your value. Don't let anyone or anything make you feel like you don't deserve a chance to have the best this life has to offer. Dig deep within and find the confidence to stand before the world unafraid to be unapologetically you. Go for what you want, become who desire to be and live as if you owe this world no explanation. This is your time. This is your moment. It's time to start living the life you know you've always wanted to live. Right here, right now. If that means, waving some friends goodbye, then so be it. If that means fine tuning and learning new skills so you can kiss that unfulfilling job goodbye, well then that is what must be done.
"The Take Away"
As this new year begins to take shape, find the courage to live your truth. In the past, you may have allowed other people and situations to define your worth. Today is the day that ends. There's an awakening taking place in you. An Awakening of consciousness that won't accept comfortably living in unhappiness. You're a walking miracle with a life that can absolutely become what you desire it to become. Find the joy in living once again. Rid yourself of anything that doesn't represent where you are headed. Some people may not like that and that's ok. This is your life. and your time. Anything that disrupts your peace and causes you to second guess your value, it's got to go. This is your moment of strength. It's your transformation. Here now today is when you decided you are no longer going accept things just being the way they are. You are going to thrive by any means necessary. It's time to start living again. Be encouraged.