Moving Forward
Life can feel like a bad comedy sketch at times. It’s funny how often we try to plan our lives, but as you know, things rarely go as planned. In the midst of challenging times, it’s difficult to find the silver lining. Societal standards get in the way and often cloud our view. We feel distraught and disappointed when we see others accomplishing the things we thought we’d accomplish by now. It hurts when we look at our own life, and see that the wheels have barely moved in the right direction. It seems like we’ve hardly scratched the surface of our potential. Flirting with failure and hopelessness doesn’t mean you’ve failed, it means you’re human. Every day is a battle within.
It’s in this season we find ourselves questioning if our dreams and aspirations are still worth it. That annoying negative voice in our head that says, “You’re too old, why don’t you just give up!” is hard to ignore. I know the feeling. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect, when perfection doesn’t exist.
Today I write this piece, hoping to help you see that you’re at the right place at the right time. The next chapter of your life is full of extraordinary promise, despite how difficult life has been in the past.
I encourage you today to keep your eyes forward. The past is the past, but today is a new day. Your dreams and aspirations aren’t dead. You’ve just got to decide that you‘re going to keep pushing for what you want out of life no matter how difficult it gets. Maybe you’ve stumbled a few times. Maybe you’ve battled with a lack of support. No matter what has happened, you are on the path of greatness.
Dust yourself off and refuse to give in. You are powerful. Always remember comparing yourself to others leads to discouragement. We each are on our own unique journey. Everything happens at it’s appointed time. Always believe in greater days. May these words uplift your spirit as you continue to move forward in your life. You got this.